Monday 18 April 2016

Marathon Men: Edd

On Sunday, around 38,000 runners will take over the capital for the London Marathon. This week, I'll be talking to four of my friends taking part about their training and charities. First up, I met Rev Edd in his Southend parish for some cake and chat (which only one of us ran off afterwards). 

What inspired you to run the London Marathon?
I wanted to challenge myself to do something mad, as I don't feel particularly challenged in my work life, and I wanted to support the vital work of Christian Aid that I am so passionate about.

What's been the highs and lows of training?  
There’s been quite a few lows: bloody nipples, being drained so I struggle with the rest of my day and realising that I'd locked myself out of my home so I had to break in! The highs have been a random high five with another runner on the seafront, the feeling of accomplishment after a long run and enjoying being out in God's playing field.

Do you have any training partners?
Yes, my 2 year old daughter! I use a running buggy and we do short runs together in the field behind our house. She loves pointing out horse poo we pass.

How have you been raising money?
A good chunk has come from whisky tasting events! I’m passionate about drinking whisky, not baking cakes, so it’s great to use that passion to support Christian Aid. I especially appreciate how they work indiscriminately with any organisation and community to deliver God's love through social justice and change.

How has running benefitted your role as a Curate? (A Curate is a trainee vicar in the Church of England)
Running gives me the headspace that I need to do ministry, particularly on difficult days in the parish. It’s a great release.

What's your top tip for a new runner?
Start small, run a short distance then walk, run, walk. Don't over do it as that's when you cause injuries. Set yourself small goals.

How can people support you?
You can sponsor me on JustGiving. It's so encouraging when I see people’s donations and supportive messages. Or if you also like whisky, I can host a tasting evening in your church or home for groups of 10 people or more. Please also pray that I don't get any injuries or illnesses that could stop me running.

I work for Christian Aid. In 2013, I visited Colombia and saw work around human rights and land rights you wouldn’t normally think about an international development charity doing. £5 could provide a tarpaulin to use as emergency shelter.

Fancy a whisky tasting? Tweet @RevEddStock or email

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